♦ Book Release News! October 4, 2011: Eden’s Fourth book in her Midnight Playground series, EVERSONG, is out now from Samhain Publishing! Be sure to drop by the Smutketeers blog for release day news and giveaways!
♦ Online Appearance! October 4, 2011: Eden and her favorite vampire Ever will be interviewed on The Forbidden Bookshelf for their Para Erotica event!
♦ Online Appearance! October 5, 2011: Eden will be blogging about vampires with Denise Agnew for her month-long Halloween bash and having a contest!
♦ Online Appearance! October 5, 2011: Eden will be appearing on Eliza Gayle’s D.A.M.M. blog (her yearly D.emons A.nd M.agick M.ixer), talking about Halloween costumes, her latest book release, and having a contest!