♦Book News! Eden’s novella OBSESSION, Book One in her new Ink & Iron series and her New York Times Bestselling novella is available now for only $1.38!
♦Live Appearance! Saturday, April 26, 2014: Eden will be signing her books at Bondage Expo Dallas from 1-5 PM along with an amazing group of erotica & erotic romance authors! See the B.E.D. website for details-and get into BED with us!
♦Live Appearance! May 14-18, 2014: Eden and her fellow Smutketeers, RG Alexander and Robin L Rotham, along with several hundred other authors will be at the RT Booklovers Convention in New Orleans! The giant Book Faire on Saturday May 17th from 10:30-2PM is open to the public!
♦Book News! The prequel to the amazing 27-author Invitation to Eden series (Eden’s story will be out in September) is now FREE on Amazon! Download MASTER OF THE ISLAND NOW!