♦Book Release! Eden’s BDSM book THE TRAINING HOUSE, Book One: GIRL  is out  NOW at Amazon US Amazon UK B&N ARe Smashwords.~Read more about the book and see The Training House slave contract HERE.


♦Cover Quote! Bestselling BDSM author Jenna Jacob has given GIRL an incredible quote!

GIRL-BannerCONTEST! Eden is having a huge contest today on the Smutketeers blog to celebrate the release of THE TRAINING HOUSE: GIRL! Drop by to read an exclusive excerpt and comment to win a Kindle Fire and other prizes!

♦Cover Reveal! Eden is part of the What To Read After Fifty Shades Of Grey: BDSM & BEYOND Box Set, out NOW for only .99!  Get it at Amazon US Amazon UK ARe iTunes Kobo ~B&N coming soon!

BDSM & BEYOND 3D-hi res box set