♦New Review!  The reviewer on Xtreme Delusions blog went wild over DANGEROUSLY BROKEN!  She called it “A Dangerously erotic must-read!” See the rest of this beautifully-written 5 Heart review HERE!

♦Online Appearance!  November 12, 2015: TODAY! Eden is on the Xtreme Delusions blog talking about DANGEROUSLY BROKEN, discussing her experiences in BDSM and doing a giveaway!

dangerously broken_front mech.indd♦Online Appearance!  November 13, 2015: Eden will be on Allison Cosgrove’s blog with an in-depth interview!

♦Book News! Don’t forget to get your copy of Eden’s hardcore BDSM book THE TRAINING HOUSE, Book One: GIRL. Reviewers are wild about this book! They’ve said:

“Pain and pleasure, roughness and softness, dark and light….this book has it all. Be ready!!!”

“Girl… is a literary love note to the kink community.”

girl-200x300Get your copy now!

Amazon US: http://tinyurl.com/qgn2lj6

Amazon UK: http://tinyurl.com/oj7hld4

ARe: http://tinyurl.com/prx3jep

B&N: http://tinyurl.com/pb9kk6m

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/571908
