♦BOY is available now! The second book in Eden’s hugely popular The Training House series, BOY, is out today, and readers are already loving it! They’re saying about BOY:
“Omg freaking Gawd Eden Bradley !!! I just finished Boy and screamed Noooo when it ended… I’m completely submerged… reading into Christopher’s thoughts is the ultimate mindf***”
“…an emotional roller coaster while reading this book. This story…makes you feel things I wasn’t sure I should or could feel…”
…and one reviewer says:
“…a hell of a book!!! Love it, love it, love it…Perfection.”
Get your copy HERE!
♦Upcoming LIVE Event! April, 2016: Join Eden and the 22 authors of the Patron’s Guild at the Cirque du Punk Ball in Las Vegas, the biggest, baddest, most astounding party ever seen at the RT Booklovers Convention! Live circus acts, a midway, have your fortunes told, live DJ, and more! And if you can’t get to Vegas, there will be live streaming and tons of fun for our fans and friends at home! Join our Facebook group or go to the RT Convention site to get all the details!